Next Release
- Next release is planed July, 30th.
Planed Features
- Visual Studio .Net (there is already some experimental addin)
- Package Browser
- Parse included header files which are not part of the project
Bugs & Limitations
- Although it already works quite smooth, there are still a lot of bugs waiting to be fixed.
- The project setup must follow some (too restrictive) rules, i.e. header and source files must be placed in the same directory to get some (optional features) working
- Header files which are found by the compiler via the include path are not parsed (see also Planed Features)
- Anonymous enum declarations do not work (i.e. typedef enum {e1, e2} MyEnum; )
- Everything in the Bugs & Limitation section
- Some parts in the code are a real mess, which need to be cleaned up.
- Minimize memory footprint
- Replace some utility-classes with their boost (www.boost.org) counterpart.
- Some of the icons could need a face lift