Installation is very easy.
- Unzip the package into a folder of your choice
- In the ini-file ESBServer.ini, adapt the property "ctags.exe=c:/path/to/ctags.exe" to the location you unzipped the package into.
- Register/Load the Visual Studio Addin via Tools->Customize->Macros and Add-Ins
- Customize the key-binding i.e. I personally use Alt-T to popup the Type Browser, Alt-O for the Outline Browser etc..
- Start the server programm (ESBServer.exe).
Howto Build
It's not possible to build BeSweet with the default STL shipped with VC++ 6.0. The reason is, that the VC-STL is based on
a pre standard (i think before 1998) and is therefore missing some (important) features. To build the project, any recent STL implementation should work. I personally use STLPort 4.5.3 which is based on the original SGI implementation and can be freely donwloaded here.